Wise Democracy Card Decks are now available

Printed card decks for our Wise Democracy Pattern Language (version 2.0) are now available for purchase in boxed sets with 96 pattern cards and educational inserts. They are backed up by an encyclopedic wise democracy website packed with methods and practical advice as well as big-picture theory, vision and questions to deepen one’s understanding.

These cards are well designed for individual use or for group exercises for…

  • identifying key focus areas for generating collective wisdom;
  • evaluating collective wisdom potential in initiatives, methodologies and systems – past, present and future; and
  • deep learning in a vital emerging field of study and practice.

For anyone seeking to better address the complexity of our time, this tool provides insightful principles and practical methodologies. This limited edition of the card set is being promoted globally. Over the next few months we’re planning a number of educational, networking and consultative activities for those interested. To stay informed, subscribe to our wise democracy newsletter.

Here are some other resources for you:

Order your wise democracy deck today!



Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440

Evoking and engaging the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole

*** Visit the Wise Democracy Pattern Language Project ***


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