Tom Atlee live interview Mar 11 on evolutionary activism
This Thursday March 11, 2010, Craig Hamilton will interview me about evolutionary activism on his “Awakening the Impulse to Evolve” series. Tens of thousands of people participate in his free conference call programs which are archived at
then call in Thursday at 5:30 pm PST using the phone number and access code that will be emailed to you when you register. To listen to the interview live online go to The interview will also be archived online so you can listen to it later if you want. You can get more information on that and on participating in the Maestro interactive conversation at
To help people talk together after the event is over, I’ve set up a Facebook Group at
I hope you enjoy the event and any follow-up conversations and engagement. Coheartedly, Tom — PS: Just a reminder that you can get a copy of my book “Reflections on Evolutionary Activism: Essays, Poems and Prayers from an Emerging Field of Sacred Social Change” at Print copies are for sale there, or you can download a pdf of the whole book free of charge. If you have read the book and liked it, do consider writing a review for — and write to me and let me know if you’d like to be included in monthly phone calls with other readers.
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