Entering Interdependence on Independence Day
So many thoughts on US Independence Day….
1. For years there have been Declarations of INTERdependence and suggestions and organizing for INTERdependence Day. I first learned about this 8 years ago and wrote it up on the co-intelligence website. Googling it today I see the movement has flourished – and it seems that the debate about when to celebrate “Interdependence Day” is shaking out in favor of September 12 (or September 10-12) – when the US’s interdependence with the rest of the world came home in a painfully vivid way – rather than on July 4th. As far as I’m concerned, it would be very appropriate to celebrate Interdependence Day every month, or every week, or even every day. After all, interdependence could be considered the most important concept – I should say reality – in our world today. In his essay below, Shane Claiborne proclaims July 4th Interdependence Day and offers actions you can take to manifest your awareness of interdependence. I would add to his list: “Take some action to change the systems that so powerfully shape our interdependence, so that those systems help everyone – including our grandchildren – have high quality lives.”
2. notes that Independence Day is rooted in the famous words of Thomas Jefferson that all men are created equal, which Moyers sees as a betrayal, since Jefferson held slaves till the day he died and his will decreed they be sold to pay off his debts. On the other hand, Sharif Abdullah argues in an email to his network that Jefferson’s failure was a weakness rather than a betrayal – a kind of weakness most of us share: “The reason Jefferson did not free his slaves is the same reason I drive a car that runs on gasoline — it would be very inconvenient not to do so. Just as we, two centuries later, look down on Jefferson for not living his values, how will our descendants treat me, the author of Creating a World That Works for All, and my ‘weakness’ of spewing tons of carbon into the atmosphere, because I want the convenience of not getting wet while traveling. While we may criticize Jefferson, we should do so with compassion — because we all share the same ‘weakness’ for expediency and convenience.” As Matthew writes in the Bible, “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Verily, verily, perhaps we should focus some serious resources and attention on both castings, and do it soon, since we are all interdependent and co-creating the much better or much worse world our grandchildren will live in. 3. Independence is a necessary step out of the occasionally functional but ultimately unhealthy dependence of one-way power relationships – between child and parent, for example, or between a newly sovereign nation and its former colonizers, between once oppressed people and their oppressors (as in Gandhi’s work and “identity politics”), between a consumer and corporate-controlled economic systems, or between We the People and our top-down, money-corrupted political systems. We cannot be free if we cannot be independent and self-reliant. But then we cannot sustain ourselves or be held in the larger body of life without recognizing and nurturing a “right relationship” with life around us. Part of maturity is weaving ourselves into life-serving peer relationships with other free beings and the rest of life in wise acknowledgement of our inter-dependence. Our calling in this world at this time seems to me to be co-creating communities, technologies, cultural narratives, economies, politics, and governance which tap the co-creative power of interdependence – a.k.a., mutual aid, sharing, and love – so that all of us can live out our unique journeys of life, liberty, and the pursuit (and appreciation) of happiness.4. is also hot evidence of our increasingly stormy interdependence with earth’s climate. Fireworks provide a new set of metaphors, inviting us to wonder where we get our energy from and whether our co-creative partnership with the sun’s energy will be benign or massively destructive. Will fire, deluge, gale and hail provide energy to stop the oil and coal leases, the fracking, the pipelines? Will we see ourselves in the perfect mirror of mining deep-sea oil from beneath the melting polar ice? Will we wake up a bit more with each burst of climatic pyrotechnics?
May America the Beautiful become America the Awake. Comindfully, coheartedly,Tom
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/shane-claiborne/this-july-4th-lets-celebr_b_633… This July 4th, Let’s Celebrate Interdependence Day!by Shane Claiborne, Activist and bestselling author, ‘The Irresistible Revolution’ Dr. Martin Luther King spoke of us all being bound up in an “inescapable web of mutuality.” He talked of how we have encountered half the world by the time we have put on our clothes, brushed our teeth, drunk our coffee and eaten our breakfast, as there are invisible faces that make our lives possible every day. That’s why I’ve always struggled with “Independence Day.” Patriotism can be a dangerous thing if it leads to amnesia about the dark patches of our nation’s history. And it can leave us shortsighted if our nationalism prevents us from seeing pain or hope beyond our borders. As an American, and especially as a Christian, I am convinced that a love for our own people is not a bad thing, but love doesn’t stop at borders. Love is infinitely boundless and all about holy trespassing and offensive friendships. We are taught to celebrate independence. But independence and individualism have come at a great price. In the wealthy and industrialized countries we have become the richest people in the world, but we also have some of the highest rates of loneliness, depression, and suicide. We are rich, sad, and lonely. We are living into patterns that not only leave much of the world hungry for bread and starved for justice but also leave us longing for the good life and for meaning and purpose beyond ourselves. The good news is that we are not alone in the world. This year, let’s celebrate Interdependence Day — recognizing the fact that we are part of a global neighborhood. Let’s appreciate all the invisible people in our lives, and let’s lament the fact that the human family is terribly dysfunctional. It’s not about being anti-American but about being pro-world. It’s a beautiful thing to realize that we need each other and that we are not alone in the world. So, I’ve worked with some friends to brainstorm great ways to celebrate “Interdependence Day” this Fourth of July. Here’s what we came up with: 1) Track down old teachers and mentors. Let them know the influence they have had in your life. 2) Babysit for someone for free, especially someone that might really need a night off and not be able to afford a sitter. 3) Try to go a whole week without spending any money. If you have to, barter or beg a little to make it through. 4) Hold a baby goods exchange where parents can bring toys and clothing their kids have outgrown and trade them. 5) Attempt to repair something that is broken. Appreciate the people who repair things for you on a regular basis. 6) Look through your clothes. Learn about one of the countries where they are manufactured. Do some research to discover the working conditions and commit to doing one thing to improve the lives of people who live there. 7) Look for everything you have two of, and give one away. 8) Dig up a bucket of soil and look through it to see the elements and organisms that make our daily meals poss
le. 9) Spend the Fourth of July baking cookies or bread. Give them away to the person who delivers your mail or picks up your trash the next time you see him or her. 10) Host a rain-barrel party and teach neighbors how to make and use rain-barrels to recycle water. 11) Spend a day hiking in the woods. Consider how God cares for the lilies and sparrows — and you. 12) Gather some neighbors, and plant a tree in your neighborhood together. 13) Hold a knowledge exchange where you gather friends or neighbors to share skills or something they are learning. 14) Track to its source one item of food you eat regularly. Then, each time you eat that food, remember the folks who made it possible for you to it it. 15) Become a pen-pal with someone in prison. 16) Try recycling water from the washer or sink to flush your toilet. Remember the 1.2 billion folks who don’t have clean water. 17) Leave a random tip for someone cleaning the streets or the public restroom. 18) Write one CEO every month this year. Affirm or critique the ethics of their companies. (You may need to do a little research first.) Consider starting with BP. 19) Wash your clothes by hand and dry them on a line. Remember the 1.6 billion people who do not have electricity. 20) Learn to sew. Try making your own clothes for a year. 21) Eat only a bowl of rice a day for a week (take a multi-vitamin). And remember the 25,000 people who die of malnutrition and starvation each day. 22) Begin a scholarship fund so that for every one of your own children you send to college, you can create a scholarship for an at-risk youth. Get to know his or her family and learn from each other. 23) Visit a worship service where you will be a minority. Invite someone to dinner at your house, or have dinner with someone there if they invite you. 24) Confess something you have done wrong to someone and ask forgiveness. 25) Serve in a homeless shelter. For extra credit, go back to that shelter and eat or sleep there and allow yourself to be served. 26) Go through a local thrift store and drop $1 bills in random pockets of clothing being sold. 27) Experiment in creation-care by going fuel-free for a week — bike, carpool or walk. 28) Go to an elderly home and get a list of folks who don’t get any visitors. Visit them each week and tell stories, read together, or play board games. 29) Laugh at advertisements, especially ones that teach you that you can buy happiness. 30) Go down a line of parked cars and pay for the meters that are expired. Leave a little note of niceness. 31) Connect with a group of migrant workers or farmers who grow your food. Visit their farm. Maybe even pick some veggies with them. Ask what they get paid. 32) Mow your neighbor’s grass. 33) Ask the next person who asks you for change to join you for dinner. 34) Invest money in a micro-lending bank. 35) Start setting aside 10 percent of your income to give away to folks in need. 36) Write paper letters (by hand) for a month. Try writing someone who needs encouragement or whom you should say “I’m sorry” to. 37) Contact your local crisis pregnancy center and invite a pregnant woman to live with your family. 38) Go without food for one day to remember the two billion people who live on less than a dollar a day. Add yours to the list. May we celebrate Interdependence Day today and everyday. It is a gift to be part of this inescapable web of mutuality.
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