A new participatory Co-Intelligence Institute is emerging…
Dear friends,
I am excited to share with you some developments from a series of nine virtual meetings over six weeks in which three dozen co-intelligence colleagues have participated in 24 hours of conversations about the future of the co-intelligence work and the Co-intelligence Institute’s mission and next steps. I also want to ask your support for our taking those next steps.
During these conversations we got clear that for the rest of 2015, we in the Co-Intelligence Institute (CII) will be strengthening CII’s basic foundations in the ideas, networks, and leadership needed to more effectively promote the co-intelligence vision. The vision articulated during these calls distills the social effect we intend to produce through of our work:
Groups, communities and societies
actively increasing their competence
at wisely co-creating their collective affairs
in wholesome relationship with each other
and the natural world.
With that intention, the Co-Intelligence Institute has the following priorities for the remainder of 2015. We invite your participation in every aspect of these plans.
1. We will clarify the original meaning and mission of “co-intelligence” and develop new ways to communicate and teach it. Over the next year we plan to develop and test new written, audio-visual, and interactive educational approaches. If you would like to join others in (a) giving us feedback on such materials and/or (b) trying out our first interactive web and phone seminar designs, write me about your interest at cii @ igc dot org with “Basic CI” in the subject line.
2. We at CII will lay the groundwork for a lively “community of practice” (CoP) made up of people like you who identify their work as contributing to co-intelligence. As described in one interesting manual for establishing a CoP, “A community of practice is a group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems, or interest in a topic and who come together to fulfill both individual and group goals.” (For a good introduction to the subject, read the first page of the manual.) We expect people in the new co-intelligence community of practice will engage together in professional networking, ongoing dialogues, sharing best practices, creating and spreading new knowledge, and collaborating on projects about which they have real passion. Once we have some basic infrastructure established, I will be inviting everyone on this list or who knows or learns about co-intelligence to join in this community and help make it vibrant and productive.
3. We will create opportunities for interested people in and out of CII’s community of practice to connect around projects related to co-intelligence. I invite you to get a taste of the project proposals that emerged from CII’s recent online conversations. It is a public wiki, so feel free to add your own project ideas to it.
4. We will expand and strengthen the Co-Intelligence Institute’s board of directors and establish an Advisory Board and advisory groups on different topics. If you would like to participate in an advisory group, write to me about your area(s) of interest or expertise and any qualifications or other information you think we should have. Put “Advisory Network” in the subject line.
These moves into a higher level of participatory CII engagement and impact will happen side by side with the many other research, writing, networking, and community engagement activities normally undertaken by me and other existing and new members of the CII board.
We ask your support and engagement today to help us embark on this new adventure to bring co-intelligence even more powerfully to the world.
Please send a tax deductible donation of any amount —
$10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or more — to
The Co-Intelligence Institute
PO Box 493
Eugene, OR 97440
or use your Visa or MasterCard – or Paypal – to make an online donation at
or tell some friends you know about our work, and invite them to support it.
Do let me know at cii @ igc dot org when you’ve mailed a donation, so I can add it to our tally right away. Including your email address on your check will help me keep track of your gift.
You can also use the link above to arrange a monthly donation.
Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440
Calling forth the wisdom of the whole for the wellbeing of the whole
Please support our work. Your donations are fully tax-deductible.
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