Empowering the vision and mission of co-intelligence
We envision a world where groups, communities and societies are actively increasing their competence at wisely co-creating their collective affairs in wholesome relationship with each other and the natural world.
We in the Co-Intelligence Institute develop, maintain, share, and promote a body of knowledge useful for those interested in building societies that thrive over time through wise self-governance.
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I’d like to share with you this heart-warming endorsement we received from Miki Kashtan, Co-founder of the Center for Efficient Collaboration and Bay Area Nonviolent Communication. – Tom Atlee
I am not someone with large sums of money, and I put great care in choosing the few organizations I support beyond my commitments to my own work.
The Co-Intelligence Institute, which I have been supporting in multiple ways, including financially, since its inception in 1996, meets all the criteria I could possibly imagine.
For starters, the work that Tom Atlee and colleagues do is radical and foundational, questioning the very assumptions of how we run our societies and our individual lives.
Secondly, Tom in particular shares everything he discovers and I have been amazed by my experience of his generosity in offering services and support to others from his vast sea of knowledge and connection.
Finally, organizations don’t get leaner than the Co-Intelligence Institute. Every cent contributed to CII goes directly to support the pioneering analytic and synthetic research that CII champions in service to the world — now and into the future of our species and beyond.
I hope you join me in choosing to make CII part of your giving plan every year.
– Miki Kashtan
Center for Efficient Collaboration
and Bay Area Nonviolent Communication.
You can make a difference with the Co-Intelligence Institute.
Dear Friends,
The Friends of the Co-Intelligence Institute Circle invite you to join our growing vision of the possible as we access the wisdom of the whole on behalf of the whole.
Healthy communities, institutions and societies depend on our ability to organize our collective affairs more wisely, in tune with each other and nature.
The ability to wisely organize our lives together – all of us being wiser together than any of us could be alone – we call co-intelligence.
From May until now, a select group of us have been working overtime to bring the Co-Intelligence Institute up to speed so it is more able to make the profound difference it was created to make. The renewed and re-visioned CII is now focusing on making the principles of co-intelligence and wise democracy more visible, accessible, teachable, and resilient. Along with a growing group of associates and supporters, we plan to develop more potent forms of engagement with co-intelligent concepts and projects – particularly collaborative teaching opportunities and an array of interactive online materials for widespread use.
A leading objective is to engage more people associated with the co-intelligence work in more organized interactions to foster shared learning, support, and collaboration so that, together, we expand the reach of CII, broaden its impact, and make co-intelligence and wise democracy compelling forces shaping society.
We thank each of you for your interest in and past support for our co-intelligence work and we welcome new supportive donations of any size that feel right to you now. In particular, we invite you – if you wish – to join our merry Friends of the Co-Intelligence Institute Circle by making a donation of $200 or more to CII during December. Formed in early October, our Circle has already donated or pledged over $21,000 to CII to kick-start the funding we will need to actualize these exciting projects and visions.
Our goal for this year-end fundraiser is $25,000 – only $4000 to go – a modest sum, given our mission and the progress we’ve already made. We are confident that youcan and will help us reach it.
We deeply appreciate any support you feel moved to give to energize this important work. For example, one member of our merry Circle gifted $200 in November. But before that, she had donated $10 every month for the last two years. We are so grateful to her for BOTH of those heart-felt commitments, and we view them as full, vital support.
Stay-tuned to learn more about our new projects in the coming weeks.
on behalf of the Co-Intelligence Institute re-visioning team
and the 19 current members of the Friends of the Co-Intelligence Circle
You can make a donation now – again: any amount is appreciated! – by sending a check to
The Co-Intelligence Institute
PO Box 493
Eugene, OR 97440
or use your Visa or MasterCard – or Paypal – to make an online donation at
where you can also arrange a monthly donation, if you prefer.
With a donation of $200 or more, you automatically become an esteemed member of our Friends of the Co-Intelligence Institute Circle!
Please let us know when you’ve mailed a donation, so we can add it to our tally right away. And remember to put your email address on any check so we can send you a prompt end-of-year receipt.
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