A new face – and new ways to engage!
The Co-Intelligence Institute announces a new board member and a new webpage for CII’s new Patterning Ritual for Moments of Transition and reminds us all of the upcoming Open Space Unconference on work related to co-intelligence, wise democracy, the prime directive, and other approaches that resonate with Tom’s three decades of work in this area. At the end, Tom sends out a personal invite and shares some of the inquiries he’s thinking of pursuing at the unconference.
We on the Co-Intelligence Institute board have three quick messages for you….
We welcome our dear friend and colleague, Natalia Rogovin – musician/songwriter, marketing whiz and co-intelligence coach – to join us on the board. For months she’s been behind the scenes helping us envision this year’s activities and think about how to get co-intelligence, wise democracy, and the prime directive more widely known, understood and used. We expect to have a great year… and that’s not only because she’s so much fun to work with! Welcome Natalia!
We want to remind you to sign up for the exciting online Open Space unconference. It’s Next Week! You will meet and interact with some of the most unique, thoughtful, and loving people …. people like you, people who get attracted to Tom’s remarkable ideas and vision. HINT: Since you can come and go as you please, we have a suggestion: Consider coming for at least the first hour of each day (Mon 1/24, Wed 1/26, Fri 1/28 at 9am PT). That’s when participants (including you?) will be announcing new sessions. These three days (hosted by the wonderful and experienced organizers Kaliya Young and Dounia Saeme) are your opportunity to come together, cross pollinate and weave new possibilities. Thanks to all the space given for self-organized sessions and movement, anyone can raise or explore any topic they want*. It’s a unique experience. Register on our Eventbrite page.
We encourage you to try out our new Patterning Ritual for Moments of Transition which we introduced last Christmas. It is based on the Wise Democracy Pattern Language (WDPL) cards and has been improved for you and given a beautiful new webpage. You don’t have to own or download a WDPL card deck to use it – all the cards are right there on the page where you can move them around as you wish to explore your transition. Several people can use it at once, or a group can use it, or you can get a lot of benefit from using it all by yourself.
So that’s it! We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you new opportunities and ideas throughout 2022. OH! – and let us not forget!…. Our Winter fundraiser has entered its last two weeks… and we’re getting so close to our goal of $30,000. Please help us get there! Your contribution of any amount will help us really expand our activities this year. We’re so grateful to all of you who have supported us this far. (All donations to CII are fully tax-deductible in the U.S.)
Andy, Sita, Adin, Natalia, Tom, Rahmin, and Jennifer
the Co-Intelligence Institute Board
PS from Tom: I want to encourage all of you to attend our unconference. Here are some sessions I’m considering convening there next week – offered here both to entice you to the unconference and to give you a general sense of the kinds of sessions YOU might want to call, or sessions you might discover from other attendees…:
First, some inquiries I am pursuing that I’d invite attendees to join me in. I’m at least as interested in exploring other people’s thoughts and feelings about these topics as I am in sharing my own:
- How do we best deal with established powers that impede urgent transformation?
- How can we best resource transformational efforts that contribute to a wiser social order?
- How might we best respond to the prospect of civilizational collapse and serious ecological disruption?
- How can we creatively synergize the gifts of citizen-centric democracy, representative government, and expert/stakeholder approaches to managing our collective affairs?
- What is a better name for the prime directive (“evoke and engage the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole”) – since it isn’t really a directive?
Second, here are a few short intro “classes” I might “teach”:
- What’s the difference between collective intelligence and co-intelligence?
- An introduction to the Wise Democracy Pattern Language patterns
I won’t do all these, but if I don’t do one that you’d like to be part of, you can always call it yourself, and I’ll probably come! 🙂
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