Free teleseminar “Evolutionize Your Life” – Weds May 18th 5:30pm Pacific

I’m excited to let you know about an upcoming free teleseminar by colleagues of mine, Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow. This couple is well known for their work in translating the various evolutionary sciences into practical wisdom for meeting the challenges of everyday life.

The focus of their hour-long audio seminar will be, as they summarize it: “Why the Stone-Age instincts we’ve all inherited can so often challenge us in our modern-day settings—and how new discoveries in the evolutionary and human sciences offer perspectives that are both practical and profound.”

Michael and Connie were the ones who launched me into my own evolutionary perspective, which expanded and deepened into the vision in my book REFLECTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY ACTIVISM.

I’m beginning to see an emerging whole-life curriculum to bring actionable evolutionary understandings into virtually every aspect of life, just as feminist and ecological understandings have spread into every niche. The first rough outline of such an “evolutionizing” curriculum might look something like this:

Evolutionize yourself and your relationships

  • Connie and Michael’s class 

Evolutionize your groups, organizations and communities


Evolutionize your society and social systems

  • Robert Wright’s NON-ZERO
  • John Stewart’s EVOLUTION’S ARROW
  • Paul Ehrlich and Robert Ornstein’s NEW WORLD, NEW MIND

Evolutionize your worldview

  • Elisabet Sahtouris’ EARTHDANCE
  • Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme’s THE UNIVERSE STORY 
  • David Sloan Wilson’s EVOLUTION FOR EVERYONE 

There are many other dimensions that could be included in such a curriculum — evolutionizing technology, education, health care, you name it — and dozens of other really fine books and other resources that could be used — but the general idea in this outline intrigues me and, I hope, others who might act on it.

I invite you get a good whiff of how this perspective could play out in your own life. Check out Connie and Michael’s free evening teleclass this Wednesday (May 18th) — “Evolutionize Your Life: The Science of How to Decode Human Behavior, Eliminate Self-Judgment, and Create a Big-Hearted Life of Purpose and Joyful Integrity”. You can read more about it and register at .


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