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July 2009

Fixing financial systems and transforming economic systems

A month ago a colleague sent me the New York Times article “The Economy Is Still at the Brink” by Sandy B. Lewis and William D. Cohan with a note saying it was one of the best articles he h…

We’re in the midst of a fundraising drive

Donations are understandably slow, given the economic downturn. Many good efforts are having trouble getting funding, as people hold onto their funds because of real shortage or to protect themselves and their families in an uncertain future. This…

Thoughts on an amazing commencement speech by Paul Hawken

Paul Hawken is author of a number of remarkable books whose titles alone contribute to our thinking — titles like SEVEN TOMORROWS, THE ECOLOGY OF COMMERCE, NATURAL CAPITALISM and BLESSED UNREST. Several years ago he founded a vast, remarkable, in…

Randomly Selected Constitutional Convention Delegates

Dear John, Thanks for your note. I’m not sure I have an answer to your specific question about shifts (towards random selection) in the way delegates are chosen for constitutional conventions, but here are a few resources in the general area of ra…

Co-Intelligence, Intense conflict, dialogue

A very knowlegeable colleague wrote me “As a believer in the principle of collective intelligence since the 1960s, I do however remain very cautious about how I would sense its manifestation in the [community dialogue] events that you describe. My…

Macroscopic Journalism?

I just had another fascinating conversation with Peggy Holman, author of THE CHANGE HANDBOOK who has been working with journalists for about 8 years in a project called Journalism that Matt…

Designing to Tap the Creativity of Crowds

In “Open Innovation: The Crowd Is Wise (When It’s Focused)” in the July 19, 2009 New York Times, Steve Lohr notes that the winning entities in an open-to-the-public Netflix innov…

Complexity & Imagination

Sheri Herndon sent me the remarkable quotes below, coming to me as I explore the Tao of evolutionary revolution (or is it revolutionary evolution?). I have such strong responses, both rejoicing and protesting what these writers say. Here’s a few c…