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November 2011

Origins and Future of #OWS

Where did the Occupy Movement come from and where is it going? The following New Yorker article is a good complement to the Bloomberg Businessweek article on David Graeber that I referred to in an earlier blog post It gives m…

#OWS => New forms of Nonviolence and Leadership emerging??

Something remarkable has been going on out there – especially at UC Davis. I have a hard time figuring out how to articulate it. I haven’t yet seen anyone talk about quite what I’m seeing, so I’ll give it a try. Here’s what it looks like to me: No…

A leading source of #OWS and its culture

I’ve been working on a piece exploring some of the many threads that have – or may have – contributed to the Occupy “phenomenon”. There are, indeed, many. I will share that later. In the process of researching this, I came across an article that d…

A Collection of Moving #Occupy Videos

Most of the Occupy videos circulating lately are of massive demonstrations, police abuse of protesters, and various Occupy encampments being removed or resisting removal. For this remarkable visibility we can thank cell phones, powerful cheap vide…

#Occupy Listening and Process: Mic Check!

Some people have asked why I am focusing on the Occupy movement. There are so many aspects of transformationally relevant co-intelligencebeing explored in and evoked by this movement, whether or not we are politically involved in or motivated by i…

“Dropout Economy” meets “Twilight of Elites” in OWS

A number of commentators have noted the unusual gathering of liberal/green folks and conservative/libertarian folks that constitute the Occupy Wall Street movement. While admitting the movement has a long way to go to actually represent “the 99%” …

OWS: An Open Source Movement

This Gary Horvitz blog post, which I just received by email, is very complementary to what I posted yesterday, albeit from a more birds-eye view.… Occupy Wall Street: …

#Occupy Open Space Activities

Catalyzed by the meteoric rise of Occupy Wall Street into public notice and discourse, outsiders are connecting the dots between their pet issues and OWS’s focus on “the unchecked power of Wall Street speculators and corporations”. Many are urging…