January opportunity #2: The Future is Calling Us to Greatness
Without even realizing it, I’ve become part of an online conference made up of amazing interviews with amazing people, put together by …
Without even realizing it, I’ve become part of an online conference made up of amazing interviews with amazing people, put together by …
Powerful conversations have a track record of impacting individuals and systems in significant ways. Thus, for many of us who practice and …
It’s easy to dismiss the idea of a randomly selected legislature. After all, how could a bunch of ordinary people create workable, …
Big Empathy is about expanding our empathy to embrace the suffering and well-being of more of life, more deeply, more competently, and …
I’m delighted to share here an unsolicited note from one of the Co-Intelligence Institute’s most active associates, a close colleague and friend …
The widespread engagement with the Ferguson crisis raises the possibility that the energies involved in such issues can be tapped for positive …