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A tremendously insightful “Eulogy to Occupy”

Over the last 15 months I posted many reflections on the Occupy movement. That movement is clearly not over, morphing into new shapes even as its most potent meme – “We are the 99%” – continues to reverberate. Yet there was something about the ori…

Occupy 11/2012: New forms of creative “direct action”

During the last 6-9 months most Occupy groups have been relatively invisible in the mass media. But just because something is invisible, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Think radiation… or back room deals… or the vast webs of fungi and ant civili…

Occupy Year One and the Movement Action Plan

Today’s article by Rebecca Solnit about Occupy Wall Street is fabulous, but she erred on an important fact. She ascribes the following quote abut the state of mind of anti-nuclear activists in the 1978 Clamshell Alliance to journalist Bill Moyers:…

Rebecca Solnit on Occupy and differences

Rebecca Solnit has written a great article on Occupy, relationships, differences, violence, and a lot more. A potent, passionate framing for our times, worth a full, reflective read. Coheartedly, Tom ========…