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November 2010

Does Compassion Need to Evolve?

I introduce the issue of compassion needing to evolve to embrace the larger causes of human suffering and degradation of nature in the short article “Does Compassion Need to Evolve” on the Co-Intelligence Institute website at http://co-intelligenc…

Fate and Destiny – ours and our societies’

About a month ago I attended a presentation by Michael Meade about his new book FATE AND DESTINY Meade is quite a storyteller! Below are some notes summarizing for myself what I took from his presentation — and an insight…

Are we ready to change the Game yet?

Some people say Gandhi was about nonviolence. And he was. But he is significant for something else that I believe is far more important: He changed the game. With no one’s permission, he reconfigured the playing field of colonialism to a higher Ga…

An awesome video stimulates collective intelligence discussion

Macrowikinomics Murmuration is a beautiful and fascinating video. Many of the connections made by the commentator are thought-provoking. However, I suggest it may be not quite correct to say both (a) that individual birds are not intelligent and (…

“Consistent Contributors” catalyze group cooperation

Below are excerpts from “Consistent Contributors: Putting the team first helps solve the ‘cooperation problem'” BASED ON THE RESEARCH OF MARK WEBER AND J. KEITH MURNIGHAN All groups need cooperation to surv…