Escaping the Left-Right Box-In Match
The “transpartisan” movement is only the tip of a very large and long-term “upwising” of people Left and Right (and otherwise) who …
The “transpartisan” movement is only the tip of a very large and long-term “upwising” of people Left and Right (and otherwise) who …
Reason and feeling each have gifts and limitations. Used well together they generate wise caring. There are examples of wise caring in …
A Gallup poll shows blacks and whites divided on the George Zimmerman verdict and the reality of a biased judicial system. Where …
Corporate business plans and market control are being challenged by the expansion of the sharing economy and its “collaborative consumption”. Some corporations …
Recent cogent critiques of empathy promote rationality as its antidote. But each of these powerful capacities has gifts and limitations. We need …
This article is about breaking out of robotic patterns of consumption to re-engage with life and the high adventure of a new economy and …
Current approaches to “defense” and “security” often damage our actual well-being rather than enhancing it. The massive resources currently wasted on counterproductive strategies …
As increasingly destructive capabilities become available to smaller and smaller groups, empathy and generosity are becoming increasingly precious and practical qualities in …