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July 2011

Guidelines for Making Wiser Decisions on Public Issues

A longer version of this article with more detailed guidelines and references can be found at As a civilization we have tremendous collective power, but we don’t always use it wisely. We can make g…

20th Anniversary of a Co-Intelligent Journalistic Breakthrough

This month, July 2011, is the 20th anniversary of one of the most remarkable journalistic initiatives I’ve ever seen — an innovation so cutting-edge that even the innovators did not recognize its world-shaking potential. In July 1991, MACLEAN’S m…

Two leading-edge organizations worthy of your support

Summer 2011 Co-Intelligence Institute fundraiser progress report: Funds raised so far: $3240 // Target: $20,000 Percentage of needed funds raised so far: 16.2% People on our mailing list: 2088 // Days left before end of fundraiser: 10 Thank you to…

Game changers in education and local economics…

Every now and then potentially game changing innovations show up. Wikileaks is one of them, something that shifts the relationship between centralized power and broader national and international populations. We don’t know what exactly will happen…

Rethinking Curricula for the 21st Century #1

Here’s a very remarkable initiative — a global curriculum reform movement. It seems a revolution is brewing in some parts of mainstream higher education and this seems a significant piece: A Science Daily article “Higher Education Curricula Not K…

Global INTERdependence Movements, Declarations and Days

It is so good to celebrate INdependence Days in the United States and the many other countries that have successfully gained and defended their independence from colonial rule. For countries as well as individuals, independence is a dramatic move …