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December 2011

Hopeful trends to build on in 2012

As the new year – the oddly fabled year of 2012 – is upon us, all sorts of people are making predictions, making wishes, making commitments (as well as making money, making trouble, making plans…). I like the approach of Sarah van Gelder, editor…

This holiday let’s #Occupy our heart and soul

It is Christmas Eve Day. The Occupy encampment in my hometown of Eugene has just been evicted from its park, shortly after the City Council had extended its permission to remain. After the shock, the process of reorganizing, of re-creating itself,…

Your input/comments on my new book invited

I invite you to join me for an hour or so in a major project – or at least to get a peek at it months before it is released. My new book – Empowering Public Wisdom: A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics – has gone through two rounds of editor…

Exploring #Occupy 2.0 – Part 2 – What happens now with OWS?

Those who think the Occupy movement will die away just because several encampments in major cities have been evicted are likely to be surprised. They remind me of people who think that climate change is not going to be such a big deal because the …

Four Types of Power

Stimulated by Occupy and an expanding inquiry into new forms of economics, combined with my ongoing interest in bringing wisdom to politics and governance, I’ve stumbled on a productive approach to pulling it all together: Start from an exploratio…