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January 2011

The best resources about powerful conversations

A large and growing body of knowledge exists about how to carry on powerful conversations — methodologies, facilitation know-how, dynamic understandings, and more. This knowledge informs professions ranging from therapy to diplomacy and conflict …

I need your help.

The Co-Intelligence Institute — which I founded in 1996 and work for now — is ending a two-month e-fundraising drive on January 31. We are falling far short of our very conservative goal of $15,000. We’ve raised a little over $5000 so far. The c…

Social Systems and Transformational Change

Transformational change depends primarily on changing social systems. A social system — an economic or political system, for example — is how a society is organized. It is a pervasive and powerful pattern of social arrangements that shapes peopl…

The Rise and Role of Concentrated Wealth

Most people — at least in the US — think of wealth as a source of happiness. Rich people can, seemingly, get what they want, secure themselves from suffering, and improve the lives of others through their philanthropy. While this story true in m…

The Surprising History of Federal Taxes on Wealthy Americans

In the debate over tax cuts, it helps to look at the history of U.S. federal income taxes on high-income people. For the last 18 years individuals in the top income tax bracket (those making more than $250,000 to $379,150, depending on the year) h…

Are We the Ones?

It is a new year, a new chance to reflect on our role in the world and how what’s going on in the world shapes our lives. I’ve been thinking about the popular saying — “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” We heard it a lot during the Obama c…