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Pandemic Poetry

It seems that this pandemic has inspired some remarkable poetry. These seven poems have crossed my desk in the last two weeks. …

The Tao of Co-Intelligence

Here is a poem that takes you on a little journey through the living essence of co-intelligence. Recently I stumbled on a …

Balance, attention, and care

For us: Two short and so beautiful videos, mindful of our Time. Whole systems balance, interconnected sticks, stones, forests or finance… If …

#Occupy Listening and Process: Mic Check!

Some people have asked why I am focusing on the Occupy movement. There are so many aspects of transformationally relevant co-intelligencebeing explored in and evoked by this movement, whether or not we are politically involved in or motivated by i…

Another remarkable evolutionary voice

As many of you know, I find the evolutionary perspective to be one of the most meaningful, powerful, and instructive worldviews I’ve ever encountered. I find fascinating efforts to bring science, spirit, and everyday life together into a coherent …

An Evolutionary Spiritual Activist Perspective

The blog entry below is a specific application of the principle of using crises to facilitate the life-affirming evolution of civilization. This perspective is part of a larger spiritual activist narrative described in another piece I sent to my l…