June-July 2012 Co-Intelligence Institute fundraiser

We’d like your support for what we do. Here’s a short post about that.

Our society is clearly at a turning point. I suspect you can feel it as much as I do. Things are getting worse and worse rather quickly – just as breakthrough innovations and possibilities are surfacing all over the place. Major changes – for both good and ill – are in the wind.

We at the Co-Intelligence Institute work both in the midst of these shifts and off to the side where we track and reflect on what’s going on and what’s possible. Our purpose is to help generate new visions of possibility grounded in approaches that have excellent prospects and are usually well proven even if they are not widely known and used. These approaches can gain greater meaning and appeal in the context of the larger pictures of possibility we paint. They also gain power and potential through the networking we do and the conversations we initiate and participate in.

My new book EMPOWERING PUBLIC WISDOM: A PRACTICAL VISION OF CITIZEN-LED POLITICS – due for release August 7 – takes off from where THE TAO OF DEMOCRACY ended. It offers guidance on how to move beyond collective intelligence to effective public wisdom and explores how to then empower that wisdom to guide our shared future. Even as it is being prepared for release, I am beginning work on an updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition of THE TAO OF DEMOCRACY to be published by the same publisher next summer. It will explore new ways to think about what we need to do and how to do it to create societies that work for all. 

I have also been researching, writing and networking extensively on the emerging “new economy”. I have a strong intuition that more holistic economics and more holistic politics are two sides of the same coin. Functioning properly in a healthy society, they would be the most important systems through which we would interact to collectively satisfy our needs and pursue our aspirations. I am working on a vision that weaves them into such a healthy whole to replace the toxic dynamics through which our current economics and politics degrade each other, our lives and communities, and the future of the planet.

These are some broad outlines of our work. This work has many other strands as well – from facilitation trainings, bioregional gatherings, and new options for homeless populations, to work with public officials, transformational authors and Occupy activists. We network with futurists, educators, conveners of transpartisan dialogues, students, permaculturists and dozens of others, learning, making connections, sharing what we know and see – always with future generations and evolutionary opportunities in mind. We follow the energy of the situations and opportunities that come our way and bring useful wisdom and a sense of possibility to them all, always in the spirit of gifting.

We invite you to join our meaningful and productive dance with possibility. Many of you are already out on that co-creative dance floor, through who you are and what you do. We invite you, in addition, to share in fostering our financial sustainability. Our requirements are small, but every gift makes much more possible.

Anything you would love to offer we would love to receive. Our basic goal before the end of July is $20,000, which will cover six more months of work in these intense times. Every gift supports our practice of giving away what we know and do to bring greater wisdom and vitality into the collective life of communities, social systems, and our shared future.

Please send a donation of any amount — $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or more — to

The Co-Intelligence Institute
PO Box 493
Eugene, OR 97440

or use your Visa or MasterCard – or Paypal – to make an online donation at

or tell some friends you know about our work, and invite them to support it.

Let me know when you’ve mailed a donation, so I can add it to our tally right away. Including your email address on your check will help me keep track of your gift.

You can also use the link above to arrange a monthly donation.

All donations to the Co-Intelligence Institute are fully tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support and for everything you do to make this world and our shared future a decent place to live.



Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440
http://www.co-intelligence.org / http://tom-atlee.posterous.com
Read THE TAO OF DEMOCRACY – http://www.taoofdemocracy.com and
REFLECTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY ACTIVISM – http://evolutionaryactivism.com

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