Helping Co-Intelligence Work for the World

Helping Co-Intelligence Work for the World

We are working
to empower
agents of change
on behalf of life
(both human life
and more-than-human life)
in our current and
future world.

We need your help
to help this work
We invite you
to blend your caring for life
with ours.

Millions of people in
are acting alone
and together
to make a difference.

We offer them ideas that introduce
wholeness (wholesome inclusiveness)
and interconnectedness (relational co-creativity)
into real world situations with
conscious evolutionary approaches.

For example,
the wise democracy pattern language
with its hundreds of resources and examples
for its 96 patterns and design guidelines,
has engaged change agents at multiple conferences
and gatherings internationally
and was used to help a major climate change conference
clarify its vision, structure and fundraising.

Our people have been involved in work on many
citizen assemblies and other citizen and stakeholder
deliberative engagements
often involving or promoting leading-edge
wise democracy experiments.

We work every day
at the very leading edge
of inclusive transformational networks
(that are emerging locally, regionally, and globally
as a wiser form of governance)
to seed and feed their emergence
in light of our planet’s urgency and need.

We constantly provide change agents
with generative connections, knowledge, methods
to accomplish their work with
greater, wiser, cleaner power.

We welcome your support
as we enter the next year
of transformational change –
once again, all of us



So far we’ve received $1553 from 26 people.
By the end of January, we need $12,000.

We greatly value your heartfelt support!
Donate HERE.


Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440

Appreciating, evoking and engaging the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole

*** Visit the Wise Democracy Pattern Language Project ***
*** Buy a Wise Democracy Pattern Card Deck ***


Please support our work. Your donations are fully tax-deductible.

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